Thursday, February 21, 2013

Swiss Working Dachshund Statistics

So I have been very impatiently waiting for the newest SDC member magazine to show up and yesterday it finally came. I raced through it, just glancing over the pages until I found this:

What is this table you may ask? This is the working statistics for Switzerland. Basically every test that is passed (that isn't something totally specialized like the Italian Fbja) is counted for points. The dogs are then ranked based on their point totals. Now, not every dog owner turns in their point totals, but several do and I like to see where we fall on the list.

This year I am happy to announce that Freddie is #4 on the list! We came right after the 3 dogs that all participated in Vp. For two relatively novice dackel owners who are just getting the hang of these trials, I think I can call it a success! So hopefully this year brings a hunting license into our lives and continuation with more hunting tests with our boys.


  1. Hi! Interesting blog. We will have puppies week 17.
    check out my homepage too

    1. Good luck with the mating and puppies Lindsjö taxar! Great website. Love the pictures. I'll have to work on my Swedish. ;)

  2. Very interesting Julie. It does not look like there is a lot of interest in blood tracking tests though. Would you agree with this statement?

    1. Hi Jolanta.
      I would actually disagree with the blood tracking statement. Not many dogs listed have passed SchwhK tests this year, but I think it is definitely the test which is most valued in the hunting group here. Almost all of our practice sessions throughout the summer months are blood tracking (or water retrieval). Also a problem with this kind of reporting is that not all the members, especially the ones that regularly use their dogs for hunting, report their finds or take the tests.

      We personally practice blood tracking quite a bit with our dogs. This year we are hoping to make our yearly trek to Italy to try out SchwhK with the little one. Our Finnish friends are also in the process of convincing us to head up to Sweden to do tracking tests there, but we will see...
