So I am going to brag a little bit about my baby boy, my Seelenhund, my buddy, my Baxter. He may not be the most absolutely prefect dog (but what dog is really?), but he is so in tune with my feelings. He has always been there when I feel down in order to snuggle and give kisses and try to cheer me up. He has secured a position in my bed and my heart. Although I HATE being woken up at the crack of dawn, it is really hard to stay made at this face:
Baxter's achievements thus far:
Jugendsieger Fribourg 2013 (JBOB)
Ortenaujugendsieger 2013
Jugendsieger Baden 2013
Jugendsieger Luxembourg 2013
Jugendsieger/Sieger St Gallen 2013 (JBOB & BOB)
Kaunas Winter Winner 2014 (BOS)
Exc 1 rating in 6 countries with CAC/J (3 countries) or CAC (4 countries)
Working tests:
Germany: Sfk, Sp, BHP-G (Tagessieger)
Switzerland: WaT (full points)
Italy: SchwhK/40 (92pts, 1st prize, 2nd place in trial)
Sweden: Bloodtracking 3x 1st prize + 1x Honor Prize --> SEVCH (Swedish Blood Tracking Champion);
Grytanlagsprov Kval 2 (underground aptitude test on badger, 2nd prize)
Baxter will be spending some time this year with a handler colleague for training and a few shows in central Europe. He will be home, however, in enough time for underground training and testing this summer in Sweden.
So to my fuzz-face, I wish the Happiest of Birthdays with as much food as you can eat and bunnies that you can chase!