Thursday, February 6, 2014

Breaking the Silence

I know it has been a long time. There is a lot to catch up on and still so much to talk about. I've decided to take this blog in a slightly new direction this year. Oh, don't worry, I will still be chronicling our dackel adventures, but I felt like with a new home and new start, something different was in order. So I will try to include not just show and trial news in the blog, but more opinion pieces, historical pieces, and general interest pieces about our favorite 4 legged animals. There will be at least one of these pieces per month, at least that's the goal. As you can see, I'm already a month behind, so February will likely have many entries.

We are here! Well, I am not "officially" here yet since I still have things to settle in Switzerland, so I have helped to set up the house and will commute back and forth this month. Yes, your heard correctly... Commute. It will be a tiring month, but I am sure that it will all be worthwhile in the end.

In addition to trying out how to register and obtain a personal number in Sweden (a task of GIGANTIC proportions), we need to register the dogs with the SKK so that we can officially take part in all of the activities here. Hopefully this is a smooth and painless process.

For the moment we love our new home and the dogs seem to love it as well. They get a good dose of off leash running every day and get to enjoy the sea and chase birds and track rabbits (though luckily most of them have hidden away before our morning walk). Freddie FINALLY lost the last 500 g put on by Simon's father on the dog's last extended stay in Luzern and is looking in top condition. I can't believe that the dogs will be turning 2 and 4 this year. Time sure does fly!

We and living in a quiet village on the south western coast of Sweden. I have always lived near lakes and rivers, but a sea is definitely a new concept. I have to say, I am not the biggest fan of the wind here, but otherwise the weather hasn't been too terrible, but the snowfall already had me missing Basel.

Simon snapped a few pictures a couple days ago while out walking the dogs about 5 minutes from the new house. I hope you all enjoy!

The birds are flying off to go to bed. I think I will join them. Until next time!


  1. Beautiful pictures Julie! good luck in Sweden! Can't wait for future posts, and especially opinion pieces.

  2. Welcome to Sweden I say!! I worked for 2 years in Malmö. I live about two half hours from Malmö.
    SKK is a good working organization I Think. You have to sign up to Skåne/Blekinge Taxklubb too. Thats the club in your region.
    We have exhibitions all over Sweden. Its a small fee for a year. THen you also get the Magazine Taxen.
    If you need some help about things over our dachshunds , you can mail me.

  3. Welcome to Sweden! The boardwalk looks gorgeous. I hope you've already met many fur-friends. You're probably barking in Swedish already by now :)

