Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Here in Basel it looks like we will have a very green and rainy Christmas. The weather is expected to be 16ºC (61ºF) and sunny for Christmas eve, so we will have to take advantage of the nice weather. I foresee long walks in the woods for the next couple day and I'm sure the boys will be excited that the rain is supposed to let up so they can really stretch their little legs!

I'm going to try and do quite a bit of updating in the hunting trials section and *finally* put up pictures from Italy. So keep a look out for some pictures of Emilia-Romagna region of Italy coming soon! 

Fallilou du Sangre Bleu "Freddie" and Barbwired Better than the Rest "Baxter" wish you all a wonderful holiday season!
From our house to yours, we hope everyone has a very happy and healthy holiday season and a great 2013.


  1. Have a Wonderful Christmas Julie. Hugs for the boys!

  2. Thank you Jolanta! Merry Christmas to you, John, and all your wonderful teckels!!
