It has been 3 weeks since Liina joined our little band here in Sweden. Where does the time go? She is a funny, vocal little girl. She loves snuggling on the couch, recently learned to use the dog stairs up to the bed (oh no!), and has quite the little nose on her. We have starting short tracking practices with her. She has gotten 25m tracks
aged 30 min-1 hr and she works them SO well for such a young girl. She
also is really good at following the scent from hoof drags. Deer hooves
are quickly becoming one of her favorite things to play with. In addition, we practice basics and she is already really great walking on a leash, sitting, holding in stand (show training), comfortable in the car, and EXCELLENT recall on whistle. We need to find a dog class in the area for better socialization and basic obedience relatively soon. Anyhow, she will really be something at this pace.
Liina at exactly 4 months |
She and Baxter are very close. They lay with each other, play together, and most often Liina is following Bax around in the house and in the yard. They both also have the very annoying habit of liking to be very close to me in the kitchen. Neither of them beg, instead, they think lying next to, or between my feet is the best place in the world. I think I need to institute a no dogs in the kitchen rule.
2x Barbwired |
How can I be mad at these faces? |
Freddie has also taken a liking to Liina. Even though he is over 4 years old, he still plays like a puppy. He has shown Liina all the best areas in the garden to explore (and dig). We are re-proofing our fence as we write this as Freddie and Liina decided to explore the neighboring field through a hole they dug. We don't let the dogs out in the yard unsupervised. With a new dog (and a female) in the pack and two males (even if they are great together 99% of the time), we don't want to take any chances of a fight or an escape. Luckily, we caught the dogs in the act and got them back into the yard within minutes and could fix the fencing. Oh dogs, what will you do next?

For us, having Liina has been a new experience. It isn't having a female dog that is different, but living out in the countryside! Admittedly, we don't take long walks as much anymore with the dogs and certainly not several times a day as we did in the city. I know, it is horrible, but they get tons of time every day to run in the yard and explore. We do still go on walks around our area 3-4x per week depending on the weather. Additionally, we try to do a lot more individual activities with the dogs: dog shows, tracking and trainings, etc... With Liina, this has been taking trips to the city. We want to make sure that bikes, cars, crowds of people, and other dogs are not scary to her. Recently we went to the Stadtspark in Lund and took a nice walk and then practiced Liina's ability to be a "cafe dog" that could quietly sit under the table while we stopped for 20 min and drank a coffee. Baxter is an excellent cafe dog, whereas Freddie needs/wants more attention and would rather go, go, go. Liina did a nice job at lying down and observing, rather than barking at everyone that wandered by. Good training for a little girl.

So this feisty little girl has wiggled her way into our heart and our home. I think in the future she is going to be the ruler of our pack, but for now she is enjoying being a puppy. The boys tolerate her to a point and then put her in her place, but I have found everyone happily lying together on our living room carpet. I think they like her all right. :) I can't wait to see what this girl can do!